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Available with the      Reduces gum           Heals wounds &        Heals gum tissues and
        goodness of herbs       inflammation          kills bacterias       improves gum health

                                            Why Herbal Gum Astringent?

                                            Once a patient has undergone dental prophylaxis, Purexa
                                            Herbal Gum Astringent, available with the goodness of herbs,
                                            helps them maintain healthy gums, provides timely and effective
                                            relief in conditions like spongy & bleeding gums, gingivitis, etc.
                                            Delivers best results when used with Purexa Healthy Gums
                                            What are the benefits of Herbal

                                            Gum Astringent?

                                                      Neem & Tulsi:            Almond & Fitkari:
                                                      Antibacterial            Astringent for
                                                      & Antiplaque             bleeding gums

                                                      Green Tea:               Orange Satva:
                                                      Antioxidant              The purest form of
                                                      promotes healing         Vitamin C source for
                                                                               healing collagen gum

        Clinical Study Validation

        The data acquired from the statistical analysis demonstrated the following attributes
        concerning the subjects, who had signs of gum bleeding and infection. In the study,             HERBAL GUM ASTRINGENT
        the herbal gum astringent was advised to subjects to use for 21 day.

                                                      GRAPH : Mean difference in PI, GI ,PPD and PBI at between
                                                      different interval of time after use of Purexa Gum Astringent

                                                      Study Done At: Department Of Periodontics, P.D.M. Dental
                                                      College, Bahadurgarh, Haryana
                                                      X axis - Time interval  :
                                                      Y- axis - Mean value of PI, GI , PPD and PBI.
                                                        Baseline - 15 days
                                                        Baseline - 21 days
                                                        15 days - 21 days

        Tests/ Results Obtained

         Index               Purpose                     Observation
         Plaque Index (PI)   Parameter used to assess the oral   There was a clear
                             hygiene attributes & indicates existing   reduction at the end of                 For Healthy Gums
                             microbial load in oral cavity  day 21 from baseline
         Gingival Index (GI) & Papilla   Clinical determinants used for assessing   Found to be significantly
         Bleeding Index (PBI)  the extent of gum health/ infection as   lower as compared to day
                             well as bleeding            0 in subject population
         Probing Pocket Depth (PPD)  Marker of the tissue destruction extent.   A reduction of value in
                             The lower the scores, the better is the   comparison to baseline
                             gums attachment to the teeth, indicating  was observed
                             optimal health of gums
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