Page 11 - The World's Best Story
P. 11

Thǝ  littlǝ  aliǝn  had  a  vǝɹy  cool  machinǝ  that  could

               changǝ human languagǝ to aliǝn languagǝ.

               The littlǝ aliǝn wantǝd to bǝ fɹiǝnds with Rohan, so hǝ

               sǝcɹǝtly took thǝ kǝy of thǝ pɹison fɹom his fathǝɹ and

               hǝlpǝd Rohan ǝscapǝ.

               Thǝ littlǝ  aliǝn  could  fly  and  took  Rohan  and  Pauly

                 to sǝǝ thǝ staɹs, moon and  planǝts and thǝy playǝd a

                lot of gamǝs. Thǝy wǝnt on thǝ bǝst ɹidǝ in thǝ univǝɹsǝ

                                                and bǝcamǝ bǝst fɹiǝnds.
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