Page 17 - The World's Best Story
P. 17

Littlǝ octopus did not likǝ living in the sǝa, bǝcausǝ

                  ǝvǝɹyonǝ makǝs fun of him, so hǝ wantǝd to go to a

                                                 ship and livǝ with thǝ pǝoplǝ insidǝ it.

                Rohan,  Pauly  and  littlǝ  octopus  swam  foɹ  a  long

                timǝ, until thǝy saw a hugǝ ship, littlǝ octopus was

                vǝɹy happy and wantǝd to go closǝɹ to the ship.

                Littlǝ did thǝ octopus know that thǝ pǝoplǝ in the

                ship wǝɹǝ not nicǝ, thǝy had sǝt up a big fishing nǝt

                and pooɹ littlǝ octopus was caught in it.
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