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Message from the president

                                     Dear friends and family,

                                     Navakerala brings you our first ever E-Magazine

                                     in  2021.  It  is  with  great  pride and  joy  that  I
                                     say,  our  organization  has  evolved  during  this
                                     pandemic and we have responded extremely well

                                     facing new challenges.

                                     I  want  to  express  my  greatest  gratitude  to  Mr.
                                     Kishore Kumar and Mr. Anandlal Radhakrishnan

                                     for sharing this wonderful idea with us and   as-
                                     sisting our chief coordinator, Benny Varghese to

                                     make this virtual dream a reality. The idea be-
                                     hind this venture is to create a platform that can

                                     be  utilized  to  expose  the  hidden  talents  in  our

                                     I also want to thank everyone who sent us their

                                     articles  and  also  encourage  others  to  do  the
                                     same, so that your article may be featured in our

                                     future editions. We hope you will enjoy and sup-
                                     port Navakerala  in this new virtual journey.

                                     Thank you,

                                     Jain Vathielil

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