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9 | Page February 7 I ssue%u201cBut for a tax system deployment on Friday, January 31, which delayed that day%u2019s individual income tax refunds to today, total taxes collected would have been extremely close to the forecasted amount for the month of January,%u201d said Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart. Combined retail sales and compensating use tax receipts were $348.8 million, $11.8 million or 3.5% above the estimate, and up $4.5 million or 1.3% from January 2024. Click here to view the January 2025 revenue numbers.Governor Kelly%u2019s HAWK Act to Expand Medicaid Introduced in Both Chambers TOPEKA (2.6.2025) %u2013 Governor Laura Kelly%u2019s middle-of-the-road proposal to expand Medicaid to 150,000 additional Kansans, the Healthcare Access for Working Kansans (HAWK) Act, was introduced into both chambers of the Kansas Legislature this week.%u201cThe Healthcare Access for Working Kansans (HAWK) Act protects our rural hospitals, bolsters our health care workforce, and strengthens our economy %u2014 all while coming at no cost to Kansans. In fact, by waiting to expand Medicaid, we have wasted over $280 million and left $7.6 billion on the table in Washington D.C.,%u201d Governor Laura Kelly said. %u201cI encourage the legislature to advance Medicaid expansion this session so we can bring Kansas taxpayer dollars back home to support our health care system.%u201dThe bill was introduced in the House Appropriations Committee by Representative Barbara Ballard and in the Senate Ways and Means Committee by Senator Pat Pettey.%u201cExpanding Medicaid ensures hardworking Kansans can receive preventive care to stay healthy and on the job %u2013 benefitting not only our economy but our hospital and health care workforce as well,%u201d said Representative Barbara Ballard, Kansas House District 44. %u201cThat is why I introduced the Healthcare Access for Working Kansans (HAWK) Act so that Kansans can get the critical, timely care they need.%u201dThe passage of Medicaid expansion would create 23,000 new jobs, inject $1.2 billion in annual funding into Kansas%u2019 economy, and reduce health care costs for Kansans. Medicaid expansion would also address the state%u2019s health care workforce shortage while helping safeguard rural hospitals so they can remain open and well-staffed in order to continue serving Kansans across the state.%u201cMy fellow legislators should listen to Kansans who, time and time again, express that they want to see Medicaid expanded in our state,%u201d said Senator Pat Pettey, Kansas Senate District 6. %u201cKansans deserve quality, affordable health care, and by expanding Medicaid, we can increase this access to 150,000 additional working Kansans and lower health care costs for all.%u201dApplications Open for Kansas Arts Commission Funding OpportunitiesTOPEKA (2.4.2025) %u2013 Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced applications are being accepted for four Kansas Arts Commission (KAC) grant programs that support a wide range of arts and cultural activities across the state.The grant programs, which are designed to foster community pride, economic growth and cultural heritage, include: