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6 | Page February 1 4 I ssuepromoting the hunting and fishing heritage to apply for one of seven permits. The permits can then be sold by the winning group to raise funds for conservation projects in Kansas. The winning organizations typically raffle or auction the permit to the highest bidder and keep 15 percent of the sale price to support their missions. The remaining 85 percent is held by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) until a mutually agreed upon conservation project is approved.\ year, proceeds from Commission permits supported the Habitat Specialist program which is one of our key conservation partnerships with Pheasants Forever,\of the wildlife division at KDWP. \at on both private and public land with a special emphasis on conservation objectives in the State Wildlife Action Plan.\%u201cThese habitat specialists are the true heroes in our eyes,%u201d said Bob Hix, a regional representative from Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever. %u201cThe Kansas Pheasants Forever habitat team and the local chapters are committed to doing even more habitat work for all wildlife in Kansas.%u201dOther projects supported by the Commissioner permit proceeds have included wetland improvement at Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area and special youth hunt programs.%u201cDucks Unlimited is honored to receive these Commission permits which have been part of an ongoing and hugely successful partnership between DU and KDWP,%u201d said Matt Hough, Kansas conservation programs manager for Ducks Unlimited. %u201cProceeds from these permits will be put to great use for priority projects of both organizations for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl habitat that also provide public benefits to the people of Kansas.%u201dBased on applicant preference, seven deer permits were awarded to the following conservation groups for 2025:Ducks Unlimited Wyandotte ChapterMike Bulk785-294-1280mikeb@fairviewmills.comBackcountry Hunters and Anglers Kansas ChapterMarshal Loftus816-489-1023marshal.loftus@gmail.comKansas Bowhunters AssociationJamie Howarterjhowarter@yahoo.comDucks Unlimited Kansas University ChapterMike Bulk785-294-1280mikeb@fairviewmills.comPheasants Forever Stanton County ChapterBob