Page 8 - Welcome
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DECEMBER 1st - 4th 1950


                   GENERAL RAYMOND G. DAVIS, KOREAN WAR 1950-1954

                   AWARDS: Medal of Honor,

                   Two Silver Star medals,

                   Legion of Merit, Combat V

                   & Bronze Star, Combat V

                   BORN: January 13, 1915 in

                   Fitzgerald, Georgia

                   DIED: September 3, 2003 in

                   Conyers, GA

                   SERVICE: Korean War

                   1950-1954 Commanding                                             He earned the Nation's highest

                   Officer, 1st Marine Division,                                    decoration for heroism, the Medal

                   7th Marines                                                      of Honor, during the 1st Marine

                                                                                    Division's historic fight to break

                   ACTIVE DUTY: May 1939                                            out of the Chosin Reservoir area.

                   to March 1972, United                                            There, against overwhelming

                   States Marine Corps four-                                        odds, he led his battalion in a

                   star-general who had served                                      terrific four-day battle which

                   in World War II, the Korean                                      saved a rifle company from

                   War, and the Vietnam War.                                        annihilation and opened a

                   And was appointed as                                             mountain pass for the escape of

                   Assistant Commandant of                                          two trapped Marine regiments.

                   the Marine Corps
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