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OUR SOLUTIONS          Software & Interactive Event Technology

                                 Event Registra�on
                                 Simplify Your Event Registration Process
                                 Event Registra�on delivers a seamless, branded registra�on experience both online prior to the show and
                                 on-site through manned or self-serve kiosks. In addi�on to capturing registra�on data, this flexible tool
                                 provides sophis�cated built-in repor�ng tools and real-�me reports cri�cal for on-site management as well as
                                 post-event follow-up and analysis.

                                 Event Check-in & Badge Prin�ng
                                 Streamline Your Check-in and Create a Great First Impression
                                 Event  Check-in  and  Badge  Prin�ng  supports  both  aided  check-in  and  self  check-in  kiosks.  With  features
                                 like on-site badge prin�ng in less than 4 seconds and VIP arrival no�fica�ons via email or SMS, this so�ware
                                 will whisk a�endees seamlessly through the check-in process.

                                 Lead Retrieval
                                 Measure ROI with Lead Capture Software
                                 Lead Retrieval offers everything you or your exhibitors need to capture accurate data, qualify and score
                                 prospects, distribute leads, and measure KPIs like conversion rates, close rates, and other ROI metrics.

                                 Mobile Event App
                                 Drive Higher Levels of Audience Engagement
                                 Mobile Event Apps are packed with a number of features that help drive higher levels of audience engagement,
                                 including real-�me push no�fica�ons, interac�ve games, and online surveys. The  sophis�cated  back-end
                                 repor�ng and analy�cs integrate seamlessly with most CRM systems—allowing you to jus�fy event spend
                                 by helping to more accurately qualify and nurture a�endee contacts into sales-ready leads.

                                 Make a Bigger Impact with Your Content
                                 e-Literature gives a�endees instant, seamless access to your digital content from on-site kiosks, laptops,
                                 iPads, or touchscreen monitors. This means you reduce your carbon footprint significantly while also elimina�ng
                                 the costs associated with prin�ng, shipping, storage, and disposal. Plus, your content is available online long
                                 a�er the event is over.

                                 Digital Signage
                                 Deliver Engaging Content Tailored for Your Audience
                                 Digital Signage provides high-impact visual messaging for trade shows and events with display screens that
                                 command a�en�on. With the flexibility to display content (video, text, images–even news and social media
                                 feeds) across one or more monitors, you can create a highly engaging environment that’s tailored for your

                                 Audience Response Systems
                                 Engage Your Attendees with Audience Polling
                                 Audience polling is one of the most effec�ve ways to keep your audience engaged, while gathering informa�on
                                 straight from your customers or clients. Audience Response Systems are a fun and interac�ve way to help
                                 you  gain  valuable  insight  from  a�endees  at  trade  shows,  conferences,  sales  mee�ngs,  training  events,
                                 corporate events, or presenta�ons.

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