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The book aims at developing a spiritual bent of mind in its reader. The
author believes that to attain spirituality one does not need to retire to
the jungles, rather one must live in the midst of all the activities of the Leading
world and develop the ability to convert material events into non-material
or spiritual events. According to the author, “If you want to live as a
spiritual person, learn the art of extraction. That is, you have to be able
to extract spiritual content from material things.
This will give you spiritual food, and thus you will be able to develop
yourself as a spiritual person.” Leading A Spiritual Life A Spiritual Life
Spiritual living is the greatest need of the day and in the various chapters
of the book, the author enlightens the reader on how to deal with day-to-
day problems of failure, stress, unhappiness and conflict.
“Converting revenge into forgiveness and anger into peaceability is the highest
form of spirituality.” A spiritual person is like the flowers that can live
“Success brings you contentment, and this eventually brings to a halt your
thinking processes. On the other hand, failure makes you discontented, and with fragrance in the neighbourhood of thorns
discontent is the greatest source of continuous effort in life.”
“The best formula in life is not to concern oneself with what has been lost, but
by wise planning, to avail of what is still extant. Sooner or later, you will emerge
as a super-achiever. This holds true for both nations and individuals.”
“At the time of a controversy, if you choose to fight, you will need arms but
when you opt for the spiritual method, you don’t need any arms.”
“Challenges come into our lives in order to train us, to increase us in wisdom
and to strengthen us. The difficulties that we face in life are experiences, and
without going through such experiences one cannot become a more complete
person.” Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is the founder of Centre
for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi. The Maulana
believes that peace and spirituality are two sides
of a single coin: spirituality is the inner content
of peace and peace is the external manifestation
of spirituality. The Maulana is the author of
The Prophet of Peace, Quranic Wisdom, Islam and World
Peace, and numerous best-selling books on Islam. He
has been internationally recognized for his contributions
to world peace.
ISBN 9789351791515
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
9 789351 791515