Page 159 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 159

Quranic Wisdom

                    The habit  of  suspicion is like smoking. It not only  ruins
                 the health of the individual who has this bad habit, but it also
                 pollutes the whole of the social atmosphere. Suspicion is just like
                 moral pollution. Just as air pollution is harmful for everyone so
                 also is this kind of moral pollution. It is, in fact, like a spiritual
                    All those living in a society where the majority of its members
                 are of a suspicious cast of mind, are bound to inhale its morally
                 polluted  air.  Everyone  is  bound  to suffer from bad health  in
                 terms of morality. So, suspicion is not an individual, but rather
                 a social evil.

                    In such a society, everyone becomes unpredictable, causing
                 mutual trust to disappear. And an absence of mutual trust leads
                 to many other problems. For example, in such a society, no one
                 will dare to support any other person and then there can be no
                 development of the culture of friendship.
                    There will be no unity and solidarity in such a society. This
                 being so, its  members will  lose their  self-confidence and  will
                 not venture  to  launch any large-scale  project. This  is because
                 such  projects need  collective efforts and  collective efforts  are
                 not possible in a society where people live in an atmosphere of
                    Suspicion is not a single evil;  it leads  to  many other evils.
                 Suspicion is like a poisonous weed which rapidly multiplies in a
                 jungle of moral evils. Suspicion has no plus points. On all counts
                 it has only negative points. Anyone who wants to inculcate sound
                 thinking in his mind must avoid suspicion at all costs.
                    When the individual  develops  the habit  of  suspicion, it
                 gradually  becomes his  second  nature. He starts  suspecting
                 everything, he loses conviction and he feels that every man and
                 woman except himself is a suspicious person. He does not realize
                 that suspicion is the result of confused thinking and that having

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