Page 209 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 209
Quranic Wisdom
kinds of disadvantages and limitations, and the eligible entrants
will be able to enjoy all the good things it offers for all eternity.
Then there is a rule in government service that is called ‘break
in service’. Anyone who does his job for up to ten years and
more but then absents himself from his office without prior
permission shall have to pay a heavy price for this, this being
considered a ‘break in service’. Such is the case of those who
have failed to utilize the opportunities that were given to them in
the present world. This failure will be treated as break in service
and the ruling will never be overturned. Defaulters will therefore
enter the next world without any kind of favour and they will
never have another chance to start their life again.
There is a verse in the Quran which says that the present world
is very similar to Paradise. (47:6) Why is there this similarity? It
stems from divine planning, for God Almighty wants only those
who are truly deserving to find a place in the eternal Paradise.
He therefore created the present world with many similarities
to Paradise, so that He should know who measures up to the
required paradisiacal standard in the way they live their lives in
the present world. Then He will select those who pass the divine
test in this life for settlement in the coming paradise—that is, the
ideal paradise.
This is an idea which makes one very prudent about one’s
behaviour in this world.
From Darkness to Light
ccording to the Quran, truth is light and falsehood
Ais darkness. One who lives a life of falsehood and then
discovers the truth, has the experience of travelling from darkness