Page 218 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 218

Mutual Consultation

                 no doubt warrant consultation but more important is personal
                 consultation. Everyone needs to receive others’ advice in his or
                 her daily life. The habit of consultation creates a degree of trust
                 between the different members of society. Mutual trust and the
                 spirit of cooperation are very important for building the best kind
                 of society, and consultation is an essential part of that process.
                    Consultation  is not an  individual  exercise: it is a  bilateral
                 procedure. Consultation is a mutual exchange—in its true spirit,
                 a great source of intellectual development. When two individuals
                 discuss some  subject with  each other, a  third  idea  is bound
                 to emerge, and it is this third idea which leads to personality

                  Consultation is not an isolated habit. The willingness
                   to engage in it results directly from qualities like
                 modesty, sincerity, caution and the spirit of learning.

                    Consultation in one sense is a give and take culture. When you
                 discuss an issue with someone, it is not simply a verbal exchange.
                 During a discussion you take something from the other and also
                 give something to the other.
                    Fruitful consultation has no conditions attached to it. It can
                 be conducted between the rich and the poor, between seniors and
                 juniors, between the educated and the uneducated, between the
                 young and the old, between man and woman, in short, between
                 everyone  and  everyone  else. This  all-encompassing  nature of
                 consultation makes it fruitful to the ultimate extent.

                    One precondition for effective consultation is that both the
                 parties should have open minds. Both parties should be ready to
                 accept opinions on their merits and without any bias.

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