Page 22 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 22

All Men are Equal

                    After the migration to Madinah  in 622 A.D, the Prophet
                 of Islam and his companions were attacked by the Quraysh of
                 Makkah. It was a one-day war, which was won by the Prophet
                 and his companions. They were able to capture seventy of their
                 opponents, who were brought to Madinah as prisoners of war.

                  Learning is basic to all our hopes and aspirations:
                   the greater the learning, the greater the progress in

                    But the Prophet of Islam meted out no punishment to them.
                 They were educated  persons, by the  standards of  those days.
                 The Prophet of Islam said to them that any one of them who
                 would educate ten children of Madinah would have this service
                 rendered by him accepted as ransom and he would be set free.
                    It was more than likely that these people might again start
                 a war against  the  Prophet.  But,  judging by this  incident, the
                 Quranic message is that, even if you are unlettered, try to learn,
                 and learn even if you have no teachers other than those with
                 whom you do not have good relations.

                             All Men are Equal

                      fter an unfortunate but significant incident in Makkah,
                   Athe Prophet received  a revelation  from God  Almighty,
                 which has been recorded in the Quran in the chapter ‘Abasa (He
                 Frowned). The chapter begins thus:
                      He frowned  and  turned  away when the blind man
                      approached him, for how can you know that he might
                      seek to purify himself, or take heed and derive benefit

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