Page 248 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 248

The Religion of Nature

                 flowers it encounters thorns. But when the bee takes nectar from
                 the flowers, it always ignores the thorns. The same conduct is
                 required of man. Man must be positive in his behaviour; it is not
                 permissible for him to behave in a negative way.
                    Animals are provided with horns, but no animal uses its horns
                 for aggression. Its horns are used only in self-defence. The same
                 principle has to be observed by man. Man has been endowed
                 with many powers, which he may use for his own benefit, but he
                 must refrain from using them against his fellowmen.
                    This is true of all things in nature, where everything serves as
                 a model. Nature’s behaviour being always impeccable, it shows
                 man the right path. Therefore, man should always follow nature’s
                 perfect models.

                   The religion of the universe is based on submission.
                 Submission to God is the only religion for both man
                                      and the universe.

                    These natural models do not speak: they never announce that
                 they are models for man. So it is the duty of man to study nature
                 and discover the models hidden in its conduct. He should then
                 apply what he learns from these models to the affairs of his daily
                 life. In principle, all the kinds of behaviour required of man have
                 been set forth in the Quran, and the whole of nature has been
                 created in such a way that it serves as a role model for mankind.
                    The models in nature are first and foremost of a mechanical
                 kind.  Because  it  is compulsory for them  to behave with  total
                 propriety, they do not merit any reward for their behaviour. But
                 man is free. If he behaves in any particular way, whether it be
                 right or wrong, it is by his own choice. So for good behaviour,
                 man will be amply rewarded.
                    Man being the special creation of God Almighty, he will be

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