Page 20 - PoetryBookFinal052021
P. 20
Grandma would always bring out old pho-
tos whenever we stopped by for a visit. She
favored Ice Cream and always had a treat
waiting for her grandchildren.
Grandma’s Poem
Mercy look at all these children Why thank you for the visit
With a twinkle and a smile Sure seems like quite a while
Why don’t you take your hat off Mercy look at all these children
We’ll visit for a while Their twinkle and their smile.
I was looking at some pictures Now were telling stories
Oh you remember that I’ll bet you’ll never guess
Those funny looking outfits Mirthful tales of Auntie Carolyn,
And Grandpa with his hat Bernice and Uncle Wes.
Would you like some ice cream? We’re wearing funny outfits
I have your favorite kind There’s Grandpa’s here with hats
Perhaps you’d like some strawberry We’re looking at some pictures
It’s right here next to mine. Remembering this and that’s
Every story brought a chuckle Mercy look at all this children
I’ll bet you’d never guess Don’t know if it’s been said
Mirthful tales of Auntie Carolyn, Grandma thanks for every twinkle
Bernice and Uncle Wes. For you’re the common thread.