Page 11 - June 2023 CW Magazine Proof 3
P. 11
Stop the Chaos and Ignite You
By Craig Bruce, Founder and Managing Principal, Evolve Health and Lifestyle, LLC
Are you a high-performing contemporary
business leader who’s running at an all- The Contemporary
time crazy pace, over delivering results and
feeling like there is never enough time in Woman in Today’s
the day?
Are you juggling a career, a household, Fast-Paced World
personal relationships, aging parents and
always putting yourself last?
In today's fast-paced world, the contemporary
Are you skipping meals, reaching for an woman is a multifaceted individual,
afternoon sugary snack or coffee, and embodying various roles and relationships
always feeling exhausted? while navigating the challenges of professional
Only to get up day after day and do it all life and personal responsibilities. From
again? business owners and entrepreneurs to
executives and employees, contemporary
What if you could stop this cycle, be even more women are shaping industries, advocating for
successful and healthy without the burnout equality, and redefining success on their terms.
and overwhelm, and live your best life NOW?
If you answered “yes”, then this article is for Yet, many feel the stress of maintaining a busy
you! It offers insights on achieving harmony and often chaotic lifestyle. This overwhelming
between business, personal life and sense of “life fatigue” can have a negative
relationships. impact on health, relationships, and career.