Page 7 - July 2023 INET Magazine
P. 7

By Kathleen Edinger

             Tea  can  have  a  wide  variety  of  health  benefits  4. Lack of adequate hydration can contribute
             depending  on  the  type  of  tea  you  are  drinking.  to increased fatigue levels, especially during
             Current  research  studies  are  supporting  the    those  long,  stressful  days.  The  caffeine  in
             potential  health  benefits  associated  with  true  tea  has  mild  diuretic  effects,  so  tea  can
             tea  that  is  derived  from  the  Camellia  Sinensis  contribute  to  your  daily  fluid  intake  to  stay
             plant. It is believed that research started on the  hydrated. If you are sensitive to caffeine, de-
             Camellia Sinensis plant over 5,000 years ago by   caffeinated  tea  with  less  caffeine  or  herbal
             Emperor Shen Nong, an herbalist who is believed   teas  with  no  caffeine  are  other  options  to
             to  have  discovered  this  plant  and  studied  its  consider for your hydration needs.
             medicinal  properties.  This  article  will  touch  on
             five general health benefits associated with tea  5.  Tea  may  aid  in  digestion.  Asian  tea
             that can help you stay healthy and strong in this  drinkers have long enjoyed tea at each meal
             hectic world.                                     to  aid  in  digestion.  Consider  tea  as  another
                                                               beverage option during those long, stressful
             1. Tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant is high in  lunch  meetings  to  aid  with  digesting  rich  or
             antioxidants.   Research    has   shown     that  heavy  foods.  Herbal  teas  such  as  ginger  or
             antioxidant  properties  of  the  flavonoids  in  this  peppermint are excellent choices to consider
             tea inhibit the harmful effects of free radical cell  for soothing the stomach.
             damage in the body. This may protect you from
             cardiovascular  disease,  some  cancers,  and     Research  on  the  Camellia  Sinensis  plant
             other chronic diseases.                           suggests  that  this  tea  may  help  promote
                                                               relaxation and calm while offering protection
             2.  True  tea  can  also  help  maintain  your  dental  against chronic disease. Making tea a part of
             and bone health, control cholesterol, blood sugar  your  daily  diet  can  support  optimal  health
             levels  and  optimal  weight.  Stress  is  something  and  keep  you  hydrated  throughout  the  day.
             we all try to control, especially with our chaotic  The  simple  process  of  making  the  tea  can
             and  demanding  schedules.  Chronic  stress  can  also be a relaxing experience, so enjoy your
             contribute  to  health  issues  if  not  controlled.  favorite tea during that much need tea break.
             Regular  consumption  of  tea  can  help  control  Keep  a  nice  selection  of  teas  readily
             stress.  Herbal  teas,  such  are  rooibos  and   available  to  help  you  handle  any  stressful
             chamomile,  are  naturally  caffeine  free  and   situation  in  your  life  and  keep  you  going
             perfect for relaxing after a chaotic day.         strong.  Here  is  to  less  stress  and  to  your
                                                               health one cup of tea at a time. Drink up!
             3.  The  Camellia  Sinensis  tea  plant  contains  L-
             theanine,  a  non-essential  amino  acid  which
             promotes  relaxation  and  calm  in  the  body.
             Buddhists  Monks  drink  green  tea  during  long
             periods  of  meditation  to  create  a  mindful  alert
             state because of the L-theanine and caffeine in
             the tea plant.

             Kathleen Edinger, Teascapes
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