Page 8 - November 2023 INET Magazine Rev1
P. 8
Healing from Traumatic Brain Injury:
A Holistic Approach to Restoring Lives
In the United States, the painful reality of veteran suicides persists, a tragic toll
that emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive and empathetic care.
Disturbingly, many of these veterans battling the demons of mental health have
been subject to undiagnosed or misdiagnosed traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).
These injuries manifest in numerous ways, from suicidal ideation, depression,
dementia, Parkinson’s-like symptoms, anxiety, and PTSD type symptoms, all
converging to form a deeply distressing reality.
While conventional approaches often resort to mind- and mood-altering
pharmacologic agents, the pressing need for alternative, holistic healing
methods cannot be overstated.
In response to this pressing need, Holistic Freedom Institute has emerged as a
beacon of hope, striving to offer non-pharmacologic healing modalities to
veterans scarred and living with the effects of traumatic brain injuries.
Our mission is clear: to harness the power of innovative treatments such as
nutrigenomic activation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, neurofeedback, oxygen-
enhanced and Adaptive Resistance exercise, as well as polychromatic light and
pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Through this holistic approach, we aim to
facilitate healing and promote neuroconscious recovery without burdening
veterans and their families with overwhelming financial costs.
Creating a facility of healing and support for our esteemed veterans involves a
significant capital investment. An appropriate facility must be carefully chosen
and thoughtfully outfitted to
accommodate the specialized equipment vital for their recovery. This includes
multiple hyperbaric oxygen chambers, neurofeedback devices, nutrigenomic
education and supplementation resources, polychromatic light devices, as well
as a dedicated exercise room equipped with state-of-the-art ARX exercise
equipment and an oxygen-enhanced exercise modality. Additionally, office
spaces for employees are imperative, alongside comprehensive training and
certification programs to ensure competent handling of the equipment and
continued education in essential areas, including oxygen therapy, exercise
therapy, nutrition, and basic life support.
Page 8 I iNETrepreneur Magazine