Page 12 - Massive Profit at the Micros
P. 12

Massive Profit at the Micros

               How Much Can You Make Playing Poker?

               Alright, so let’s just get into some actual numbers right away. How much money can
               you make at the “micros”? (1c/2c to 50c/$1 blinds online, $1/$2 and $2/$5 live).

               Live Poker Cash Games

               The consensus has long been that the very best live players can beat the two
               lowest stakes ($1/$2 and $2/$5) for about 10 big blinds per hour.

               So in terms of actual money this equates to:

                          1/2 - $20 an hour

                          2/5 - $50 an hour

               And of course as you move up the stakes you can expect to make a lot more than this.

               However, it should be noted that you cannot just scale it up infinitely by using a simple formula like this. The
               reason why is because the players become progressively more skilled as you move up. This will lead to a
               decrease in your bb/hour.

               However, as long as your bb/hour remains a positive number, you will still make money. And due to the much
               larger amounts of money in play at higher stakes, the hourly tends to rise sharply as well.

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