Page 36 - Massive Profit at the Micros
P. 36
Massive Profit at the Micros
The River
Last but certainly not least is the river. You need to
continue with a tight and aggressive strategy on this
street as well.
I would suggest making another CBet on the river
(triple barrel) only when you have a very strong
hand such as top pair top kicker or better.
The reason why is that very few players are going to
call a raise preflop and then 3 consecutive bets at
these stakes with a worse hand than this.
Value Betting
On the other hand though, you should be value betting frequently at the micros.
I am talking specifically about situations where perhaps it went check/check on the turn for instance (i.e. there
was a pause in the betting at some stage of the hand).
You will get called by worse hands in this situation much more often. Therefore, if you are up against a
recreational player or even a regular, you should be routinely making value bets with hands like top pair, middle
pair and sometimes even worse.
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