Page 19 - May 2023 INET Magazine
P. 19
By Catheri ne Napoli
No matter how positive we are, how successful,
how confident, each of us has a core belief that
is formed in childhood and is deeply ingrained in
the subconscious mind. It is essentially a self-
sabotaging belief that limits one's potential and
creates negative reactions in different areas of
life. It is called the Core Saboteur or sometimes To overcome your Core Saboteur, it's
known as the Core Wound. important to identify and challenge these
negative beliefs. By becoming aware of the
thinking and behavior. It can also affect how you Core Saboteur and its negative self-talk and
Core Saboteur is a habitual pattern of negative
perceive yourself and your abilities. For example, learning to reframe your thinking, you can
overcome your Core Saboteur and achieve
you may be interpreting even small setbacks as greater success in your personal and
evidence of incompetence, rather than seeing professional life.
them as opportunities to learn and grow. The
Core Saboteur whispers into your ear and has Once the Core Saboteur is pulled out of its
you react, overreact, or even under react, and hiding place and revealed, the healing can
become reclusive. Have you ever had something begin. Healing is not a years-long process
happen, respond to whatever was going on that involves talking and talking and talking.
around you and thought, “what the heck am I That can reopen the wound again and again,
doing? That’s not me.” It’s the Core Saboteur.
making healing more difficult.
Instead, the healing can take a few sessions.
Instant. New habits, new thought patterns, a
whole new life can begin in an instant!
Seeking support from a therapist or coach
trained in Core Saboteur work can be helpful
in this process. By revealing the Core
Saboteur, you can change your mindset and
beliefs unlocking your full potential.
Catherine Napoli is a Brain Change
Facilitator, using the tools of Core
Saboteur, NLP, Time Line Therapy, and
Your Core Saboteur is like a battery that fuels Hypnosis to help create permanent
all your negative beliefs and creates the change in the lives of her clients.
negative reactions that are holding you back in
life. It may affect one or two areas of your life, Go to to
like health or career, or it may affect many areas set up an appointment to learn more
of your life. These beliefs can become so deeply about your Core Saboteur and how it is
ingrained that they may not be consciously affecting your life.
recognized, but they can still affect behavior and
limit opportunities. Disconnect the battery and
you take away the power of the saboteur and
begin the healing process.
Catherine Napoli, Make Change Permanent iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 19