Page 14 - TalesBookV310
P. 14

After thirty years his memory still brings a

                                                                      It's night watch on the trail tonight
          R u s t y' s  L a s t T r a i l                             Pour me some coffee "Pard"
                                                                      I'll just get me some sugar
              We had to leave him on the Bar-X ranch                  It's right here by the lard
              Bless his rusted hide
              He was just too old'n weak to travel               Behind the chuckwagon sat Rusty
              It'd be a long hard dusty ride                     With a big ol toothy grin
                                                                 Guess cookie wasn't looking as usual
              We'd raised him from a pup                         Rusty must of climbed right in
              Too busy for any spots to land
              His rusted color was all that stayed               Well, I never saw it coming
              So his name... You'd understand                    But I heard that deadly sound
                                                                 For a Rattler always warns you
              He was a playful working dog                       When you’re trodding on his ground

              An he had a nasty growl
              His favorite trick was to bury some cow-           Ol’ Rusty met the challenge
              boy's boot                                         Fore I could even dance
              Then run off and watch him howl                    See Rusty figures this range
                                                                 Is one big cowboy ranch
              He always cleared our trail from danger
              From whatever he felt like chasing                 While we’re out there working cattle
              One night it was a Grizzly bear                    With the likes of Tom’n Nate an Gus
              But rabbits got the most disgracing                Rusty’s job is playing
                                                                 And watching over us
              He had a place in the bunkhouse
              In the corner on a grandma quilt                   Ol’ Rusty killed that rattler
              He loved his biscuits and loved his beans  Like he’s done so many times before
              And favored whisky mixed with milk                 When danger comes a knocking
                                                                 He’s the first one to the door
              It was a sorry day for all of us
              To leave that pup for good                         But Old age is always gaining
              With a pat on the head and a tip of our            And words will always fail
              hat                                                Ol’ Rusty’s sun was setting
              We'd take him if we could                          And he rode his final trail

              Rusty knew he's too old to travel                  We buried him at sundown
              But was ashamed he'd let us down                   Where the longhorn cattle roam
              He just hung his head down low                     You see- Ol Rusty herded cowboys
              Watched us leave and slowly turned                 And now he’s going home
                                                                 It was quiet round the fire that night
              Oh he'd be well cared for                          Below those shadowed canyon peaks
              Ol Jim would see to that                           A circle of rough shod, iron fisted cowboy's
              Guess he forgave or forgot the time                And a few tears on leathered cheeks
              He buried his favorite hat
                                                                 As we stood round that circle
              We left him some extra jerky                       It filled our hearts with pride
              Over by the butter churn                           To know a dog like Rusty
              An we wished him a peaceful trail                  That just wanted one more ride
              If he wern’t there for our return
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