Page 21 - TalesBookV310
P. 21

wealthy cowboy

       In a canyon by the water
                                                              It's true I  Buckaroo'd  purt'near all my life,
       Past the field of bolders yonder.
                                                              I made a pretty good hand.
       In the company of Birch, Aspen
                                                              I never expected more'n I earned,
       And other noble trees.
                                                               An I never changed a brand.

       Far from  any general stores
                                                              I saw to it my horse's were fed,
       An wended trails where nesters wander.
                                                              With critters I was fair.
       A cowboy quiet ponders,
                                                              Any cowboy down on his luck,
       As they pause to shoot the breeze.
                                                              Whatever I had I'd share.

       It must be hard to be a top hand Grandpa,
                                                              When it came to work I never shirked,
        That's what I'm gonna be.
                                                              I always earned my pay.
       I’m gonna ride the range like you
                                                              You might say it’s the code of the west,
       An live my life out free.
                                                              It's just the cowboy way.

       When I grow up an get my place,
                                                              Some  things you'll learn bout cowboy life,
        There's only one little hitch.
                                                               And bout some things we're given.
       You've cowboy'd a long long time,
                                                              We don't measure wealth by what we own,
        How come you never been rich ?
                                                               Our treasure's the life were living.

       Well, come over here and sit a spell,
                                                              See we've got the bluest skies
        This might take a while.
                                                              With mountains all around.
       Lets talk about this cowboy life
                                                              Wide open spaces, streams and canyons,
        And why you bring a smile.
                                                               You can't have that in town.

       Being top hand comes with age,
                                                              I've been to those big cities,
        Like eagles learn to fly.
                                                               Buildings an roads to mar the land.
       You start off first with little trips
                                                              I didn't see one tumbleweed,
       Fore you own the whole darn sky.
                                                               An not one honored brand.

                                                               ,....  Your already rich.
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