Page 18 - January 23 2023
P. 18

Many  entrepreneurs  completely  ignore  this
                                                                problem,  and  focus  on  other  “non-revenue
                                                                producing”  tasks  instead.  Which  is  like
                                                                mowing  your  grass  when  your  house  is  on

                                                                That’s why it is imperative to your business
                                                                to  have  a  stacked  calendar  of  prospective
                                                                clients to talk to each week.

                            By Ira Rosen                        At  the  end  of  the  day,  a  full  calendar  =  a

            “Empty  Calendar  Syndrome,”  is  a  term  I  coined    happy calendar! And a happy bank account!
            14 years ago .                                      How do you solve this once and for all?
                                                                Create a specific ironclad game plan for your
            This  dangerous  condition  occurs  when  an
            entrepreneur doesn't have enough appointments       daily  prospecting  and  employ  the  PDF
            on their calendar to sustain their business.
                                                                Persistence. He  who  is  the  most  persistent
            Imagine that it's Monday morning and all you see    always wins. Too many entrepreneurs simply
            on  your  calendar  is  one  lonely  appointment  on
            Friday.  You  begin  to  slowly  feel  stress  and  give  up  too  easily  and  need  to  develop  a
                                                                “whatever it takes” mindset .
            anxiety go through your body.
                                                                Discipline.    A  wise  man  once  said,  “an
            Your  self  talk  becomes  negative  because  you   undisciplined  mind  is  a  mind  that  suffers.”
            know  that  it's  going  to  be  another  week  filled
            with  fear  wondering  where  your  next  client  is  The  more  we  use  our  discipline  muscle,  the
            going to come from.                                 stronger we become..
                                                                Focus.  It's  never  been  so  easy  to  lose  our
            You have bills that need to be paid, and you say
            to yourself “something has got to change.”          focus  and  become  distracted.  Being  laser
                                                                beam  focused  gives  you  a  huge  advantage
            Empty  calendar  syndrome  is  a  condition  that   over your competition.
            impacts  many  businesses  and  sadly,  most
            businesses don’t even know they have it.            ‘The  Four  Hour  Workweek’  by  Tim  Ferriss
                                                                states  80%  of  an  entrepreneur's  day  is
            According  to  the  Harvard  Business  Review  it's  completely Non Revenue Producing.
            the  #1  reason  why  businesses  fail.  80%  fail
            within the 1st 24 -36 months!                       Daily Choices. All we have in our lives is the
                                                                sum total of every choice we have ever made
            But…. good news, there is a cure!                   so  choose  to  prospect  like  the  survival  of
                                                                your business depends on it.
            Take a second to look at your business calendar
            for  the  week…  how  many  meetings  with  viable   battle tested solution is the 2-10-40 Plan. 2
            prospects  do  you  have  lined  up?  The  national  appointments  per  day,  and  a  “whatever  it
            average is 1-2 people per week which will not cut   takes” mindset to make that a priority.
                                                                2  appointments  a  day,  5  days  a  week  =  10
            If you have an empty calendar, your house is on     appointments  a  week  =  40  appointments  a
            fire.  You  have  very  little  or  no  momentum.  It's  month.
            like a Jet trying to take off moving at 5 mpg.
                                                                Even  if  you  are  not  great  at  closing,  you
            If you double your qualified leads, you will double  stand to close 2 deals a month if you focus
            your revenue.                                       on filling your calendar.

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