Page 3 - October Leaves
P. 3

October Leaves

                                  Glistening in the Autumn sun,
                                   Celestial lights:  golden, crimson,
                                  Rose and ruby, auburn, amber and copper,
                                  A spray of diverse colourful stars.
                                  Leaves; fluttering on a scantily clad tree,
                                  Silhouetted against the evening sky.
                                  Casting visionary fireworks, all in tentative style,
                                  Quiver, and hang on a branch running on empty.

                                  Perennial pearly emeralds,
                                  Reappearing through decade and century.
                                  Alert to the call, from the timepiece of nature.
                                  Reincarnation, Divinity, or Darwin’s own theory?
                                  The great wheel of time, you wear it so well.
                                  Your temerity and grace adorn chapter and verse.
                                  Climate and element, you accept and endure,
                                  Saluting adversity with elegant bow.

                                  A pale sliding sun, soon will have little to give,
                                  Days curtailed, light to merest mode
                                  Long nights, cool darkness,
                                  A falling leaf spins and twirls, like a heavenly tear drop.
                                  Landing in crackle and whistle, on a pile down under,
                                  Soon to be shuffled on, by a wandering boot,
                                  A gentle paw or a galloping hoof.
                                  A short life of splendour, since leaving the bud.

                                  Sprung from, Alder, Ashe, the Birch and Beech
                                  There too are, Elm, Maple, Willow and Oak
                                  Giving shelter and shade, to creatures of wild.
                                  Hosting symphony and chorus for birds of wild feather,
                                  Black bird, sparrow, skylark, robin, wren and ancillary,
                                  Solitary bee, exquisite butterfly, and classy ladybird,
                                  All rest for a while and savour some time.

                                  Oh, Jewels of alfresco!
                                  Soon to be scattered, far-flung and forgotten,
                                  Bristle of brush or swirl of breeze, deciding a destiny.
                                  Your opulent robust, yet, modest display,
                                  Have gladdened all hearts, enchanted all senses.
                                  The vibrancy of spring, now a path of golden bronze.
                                  Your life and you time here, edify perfect wisdom
                                  I aspire every day, to follow your cryptic code-
                                  Sweet October leaves!
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