Page 15 - Temple Israel Yizkor book 5781
P. 15

It would be better if they would look
                   within themselves, to see what happens there.

             The Warren Rosenblum              The Debbie Rous Family
             Family Lovingly                   Lovingly Remembers
             Remembers                            Louis Rous
               Dorothy M. Rosenblum               Ida Rous
               Abraham Kleinman
               Mary Kleinman                   The Rudnick Family Lovingly
               Alice Levine                    Remembers
               Sidney Levine                      Nathan Rozines
               Inez R. Rosenblum                  Phyllis Rudnick
               Isaac Rosenblum                    Ruth Silverstein
               Ruth Rosenblum
               Roberta Levine                  The Gail & Joseph Sacco
               Edward Levine                   Family Lovingly Remembers
               Sarah Rosenblum                    Minnie Wunsch Alter
               Morris Rosenblum                   Harry P. Alter
               Ethel Zensky                       Emily Sacco
               Jacob Zensky                       Henry Sacco
                                                  Marli Weiner
                                                  Joshua Weinberg
                                                  Ann Berkeley

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