Page 8 - Murphy Research 2020-21 Employee Benefits
P. 8

12/1/2020-11/30/2021 Employee Benefits Brochure

        Employee Contributions

        Your contributions toward the cost of benefits are automatically deducted from your paycheck on a pre-
        tax basis. The rates below are monthly. The amount will depend on the plan you select and if you choose
        to cover eligible family members.

                  Medical: Please refer to your individual rate listed in Ease Central.

               Dental PPO:
               Employee only                $11.80
               Employee + spouse            $47.24
               Employee + child(ren)        $85.33
               Employee + Family            $125.23

               Employee only                $0.11
               Employee + spouse            $10.21
               Employee + child(ren)        $8.41
               Employee + Family            $16.51

       Important Contacts

             Blue Shield Medical                1-888-319-5999        

              Principal Dental                  1-800-986-3343          

             Blue Shield Vision                 1-877-601-9083        

        PLEASE NOTE: This booklet provides a summary of the benefits available, but is not your Summary Plan Description
        (SPD). The Company reserves the right to modify, amend, suspend, or terminate any plan at any time, and for any
        reason without prior notification. The plans described in this book are governed by insurance contracts and plan
        documents, which are available for examination upon request. We have attempted to make the explanations of
        the plans in this booklet as accurate as possible. However, should there be a discrepancy between this booklet
        and the provisions of the insurance contracts or plan documents, the provisions of the insurance contracts or plan
        documents will govern. In addition, you should not rely on any oral descriptions of these plans, since the written
        descriptions in the insurance contracts or plan documents will always govern.

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