Page 22 - Specialised First Foreign Language 2
P. 22
hours. We will be flying at an altitude of 36,000. above
sea level. You captain is Mr. Chandra Shekhar. Ladies
and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, refrain from
smoking and keep your seats in an upright
position during take-off . Those in possession of
transistor radios are requested not to use them during the
flight. Photography is strictly
prohibited. Refreshments will be served during the flight.
I f you require anything, please press the button over
your head. We hope you have a comfortable flight.
Thank you.
Passenger Excuse me Miss. Could you please get me
a blanket and a pillow?
Air hostess Here you Sir.
Ranjan Could I have something to read Miss?
Air hostess Certainly. Here is copy of the Times of
The Air hostesses sit down for the take-off. The plane
taxi es on to the runway, gathers speed and runs at a fast
pace till it is airborne. It climbs for few minutes and then
becomes steady. The”No smoking” and “Fasten your seat
belts” signs go off..
Passenger This appears to be your first journey by air. I f
you feel sick, please use a bag which is kept in this big