Page 22 - Reset your Economy part 2
P. 22
of counsel, and there is no better way to explain it
than how I laid it out in my first book.
Allow me to start my response to this first
question from the very beginning. Genesis 1:1 says,
"In the beginning ..." The word (beginning) connotes
time. says that time is a system of
events in the past, present, and future. We establish
time regarding history and future events. We
measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, days,
months, and years. Also, we measure time through
birth, growth, and death. But God experiences time
differently than we do. God lives in the eternal. In
eternity time does not exist.
I asked myself, and then eventually, God: "Why
did God start my beginning?" I concluded that God
started my beginning for the same reason He created
your origin. He established our beginnings because
He wants us to exist along with Him in eternity—but
in a different place called Earth for the time being—
to solve a problem for Him. Let me break it down
so you can understand: