Page 12 - cn- studio - vatican Universal version 1-10-2023- e
P. 12

The Divine Act of Love - Pieta  - Alter Realism

                                    This composition finds an expression and approach to the narrative of the masterpiece’   The Pieta’,

                                    Sculpted in 1498-1499 by Michelangelo . This moment of realisation capturing a sense of  deep
                                    personal loss for Mary that her son, Jesus was dead .

                                    The composition suspends the moment and places the ‘Divine Act’   in a cosmic spiritual context and
                                    dimension beyond the spiritual plane of consciousness of formed matter and measured time of this

                                    particular universe. The act is one of completion of mission and a fusion between heaven and earth .
                                    This being symbolic of motherhood , faith and completion of the Divine Absolute’s plan.
                                    It becomes a continual junction between the human condition of physicality and inner spiritual
                                    power and vision. It is the reorientation of free will to mirror the Divine source of all and the role of
                                    humankind created in the image of God. Equally; signifying  an act carried out on the material plane

                                    wherein the incarnate Cosmic Christ experienced the cruelty and ignorance of society of the time in
                                    ‘The Forgetting’   of the divine consciousness in all, ‘The Fall’.
                                    Symbolically, droplets of blood drip from the fingers of Jesus, down into the physical plane as a
                                    reference to the Eucharist.

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