Page 16 - cn- studio - vatican Universal version 31-03-2023- e
P. 16

The Invitation to the Soul  -Alter Realism

                                     This composition explores the parable narratives of the Prodigal Son and the Good Shepherd.

                                     A  reference is made to the Pre-Raphaelite painting by Holman Hunt ‘The Light of the World’

                                     wherein the Cosmic Christ in the form of  the incarnate Jesus of Nazareth invites the soul to
                                     reorientate the Divine gift of free will to the Divine Absolute.

                                     The Alter Realist composition is composed of elements from the Vatican Gardens and the
                                     Arnaldo Pomodoro 1990 sculpture ‘Sphere within a Sphere’   located in the Pinecone Courtyard,
                                     Vatican Museums.

                                     Use is made of the reflections of people on the globe’s surface ; thereby representing the
                                     contemporary world. The sphere in its incomplete  and eroded form can be seen as humankind’s

                                     effect on the earth.
                                     The sense of return for the soul is suggested by the fusion of  G. Mono’s 1932 Helical Ramp as

                                     viewed from ground level and one of the Basilica cupola’s. The spiral staircase is fragmentary
                                     which alludes to a spiritual dimension towards the return of the soul.

                                     The Good Shepherd {300 ca} is taken from the Vatican Pio - Christian Museum

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