Page 26 - 3 Nassau Road brochure 2024
P. 26
About life at 3 Nassau Road
1. The thoughtful design of our beach house invites 3. Our beach house is a vibrant hub for kids of all
us to savor each space, from the delicate crown ages, where laughter echoes as they ride their bikes
molding to the sunlit corners, creating a sanctuary or stroll over for spontaneous playdates, creating 7.
where every sunrise on the rooftop balcony feels lasting memories through fishing, kayaking, and
like a cherished ritual against a backdrop of serene splashing in the pool.
water and whispering trees.
4. The expansive yard offers the perfect blend of fun
2. With a seamless flow from the kitchen to the dining and freedom, with plenty of space for poolside
area and outdoor patio, entertaining becomes a games and joyful afternoons spent tossing a ball,
heartfelt experience, allowing laughter and love making every moment an opportunity for connection 8.
to fill every corner—an almost brand-new canvas and adventure.
waiting for the next family to infuse it with their
own vibrant memories.