Page 14 - Squantuck Road Flipbook
P. 14


           Kathryn & Christopher Giarratano, Purchased in 2017

         Q:                                    our time here and have            have taken the time to define
                                               memories, we’ll keep close        each tier to serve a purpose
                                               forever; Our family has           and although we will miss our
                                               outgrown this home over the       lovely yard, it will make us
            We are a very outdoorsy            last 5 years. We are leaving it   happy to think of the next
            family and loved that we           better than when we came          owners appreciating it just like
            would be surrounded by             and hope the next family will     we have!
            nature here. We had an             find as much joy here as we
            opportunity for our family to      have.
            continue to grow in this home                                     Q:
            and had neighbors nearby to
            get to know, as well.         Q:

                                                                              A:  There was an above ground pool
         Q:                               A:   Living on a cul-de-sac road       here when we purchased the
                                               you don’t get a lot of through
                                               traffic, which has made it        home. While we were able to get
                                               extra special for kids to ride    some use out of it, but
         A:   Another reason we saw            their bikes in the street. We     alternatively decided with two
            ourselves here was it was a        love having neighbors close       young children it was more of a
            blank slate, and we were able  A:   too, but at a distance to not    risk as it needed some repairs, so
            to add our personal touch to       overcrowding each other. .        we used the space as a large
            it. We have spent most                                               sandbox and now it’s a great fire
            weekends since moving in                                             pit area!
            working on one project or     Q:
            another. The kids have had a
            chance to be involved too,    A:   The woods surrounding the
            especially with choosing their     house are breathtaking in
            room designs and garden            every season! It provides a
            projects.                          beautiful backdrop to every
                                               activity while we go about our
                                               daily life. We have put our
         Q:                                    heart and soul into every
                                               garden, building out the
                                               retaining wall and the steps on
         A:   As much as we’ve cherished       both sides of the yard. We
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