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Christie’s International Real Estate

  Christie’s International           Higgins Group is proud           Reach the World with
Real Estate, a wholly owned        to be a part of the Christie’s     Christie’s International
subsidiary of Christie’s, the      network, working to bring          Real Estate.
world’s oldest fine art auction    buyers and sellers of luxury
house, was established in 1995     real estate together throughout    138
and is the largest network of      the world. Christie’s personnel
real estate brokers dedicated      and Christie’s International       Affiliated brokerages
to the marketing and sale of       brokers actively refer potential
important properties. The          clients through our exclusive      1,350
network comprises more than        referral network. With affiliated
900 offices and nearly 27,000      real estate offices in most        Offices
sales associates in more than      luxury market areas and
46 countries. The combined         connections with the finest        32,000
annual sales volume of all         brokerages on five continents,
affiliate real estate companies    we draw on the professional        Agents
is approximately $106 billion.     strength of thousands of sales
                                   associates to provide discreet,    46
  The Christie’s name is           conscientious service to buyers
synonymous with quality,           and sellers of distinctive         Countries
integrity, and customer            properties worldwide.
satisfaction. Admittance to the                                       $55 Billion
Christie’s network is invitation-    Higgins Group tailors its
only to companies who have         marketing programs to              Total value of listed properties
a leading market share,            meet the strict standards
meet strict standards, and         of excellence that Christie’s      $4.17 Million
demonstrate proven records of      International is known for. Its
success in handling distinctive    team of Realtors has access        Average property price
properties. Affiliates must also   to a worldwide network of
exhibit a commitment to the        resources created to address       Extraordinary Luxury
auctions house’s two-century-      the specific needs of the luxury   Properties, Unmatched
old tradition of exceptional       real estate client.                International Scope.
client service.

                                   Luxury Real Estate Specialists
                                              - Worldwide -
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