Page 27 - 29 Stoney Brook Lane brochure 2024
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What made you fall in love with Tell me about the grounds...
the home?
Our property embraces a beautiful natural
Our home was a dream come true. We were setting filled with gorgeous sunrises, sunsets,
fortunate to be able to build and design wildlife, and privacy.
this beautiful home on a nature setting. We
raised our 3 children here from young ages
until adulthood.
What makes your property so special?
Why are you moving?
This home is beautiful and unique, offering
There comes a time in your life when a spacious open floor plan for comfortable
downsizing turns into a reality when your living and entertaining. The property amazes
children grow up and establish families of us in every season, and offers privacy and
their own. This is a very bittersweet decision nature enjoyment.
to sell our beautiful home and property.
Will you miss the neighbor/neighbors?
The neighbors are friendly, and many of them
walk their dogs daily. There is always a wave
hello and many times a friendly chat.