Page 41 - 68 Fox Street brochure 2024
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                      F                                               Fairfield  is  also  home  to  two  highly

                          airfield, Connecticut is a town consistently
                       celebrated by Money magazine as one of         regarded  institutions  of  higher  learning,
                       the  Best  Places  to  Live.  The  iconic  town   Fairfield  University  and  Sacred  Heart
                       of Fairfield is situated on the picturesque    University, alphabetically and respectively.
                       and  ecologically  flourishing  Long  Island   While these college campuses add a special
                       Sound,  home  to  five  town  beaches          dimension to the town’s diverse culture, it
                       and  miles  of  sandy  shores.    Fairfield    is abundantly clear that Fairfield in general
                       is  renowned  for  its  natural  beauty,       is not part of a College Town... but rather,
                       strong   community,   enviable   cuisine,      the Colleges are a part of Fairfield.
                       and  a  dynamic  interplay  of  seaside  and
                       countryside living.                            The  town  of  Fairfield  Department  of
                                                                      Parks and Recreation maintains 170 acres
                       Long   noted   for   the   Community’s         of  parks,  5  miles  of  beaches,  36  playing
                       scholastic prowess, Fairfield Residents are    fields, 2 golf courses, 2 marinas, a Fitness
                       accustomed to witnessing a very significant    Center, 31 asphalt tennis courts, amongst
                       percentage  of  children  matriculate  from    other  important  recreational  facilities.
                       the  illustrious  Fairfield  school  system    This enviable lifestyle becomes even more
                       to  gain  acceptance  at  many  of  the  most   compelling  when  realizing  that  Fairfield
                       elite  universities  in  the  world.  Fairfield’s   offers great transportation access for New
                       commitment  to  provide  a  superior           England and New York’s economic, sports,
                       education for all of its children accounts     and  cultural  opportunities  via  Metro
                       for  its  well  respected  eleven  elementary   North’s  New  Haven  or  Amtrak  service,
                       schools,  three  middle  schools,  and  four   driving via I-95 and Merritt Parkway.
                       high schools, two of which are private.

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