Page 15 - 55 Highland Drive, Monroe LONG BROCHURE
P. 15
Monroe, Connecticut is located in
eastern Fairfield County. While the
town has sustained a progressive
growth over the past 20 years, it has
not lost its character and charm.
Monroe is a family-oriented
community with an excellent school
system, recreational facilities and a
variety of houses of worship.
The town of Monroe, named after
James Monroe the fifth President of
the United States, serving from 1817-
1825, is a growing community in
Fairfield County Connecticut. The
Town of Monroe Connecticut was
incorporated in 1823. Covering 26
square miles, Monroe is about 75 to a suburban community that SCHOOL ACCOLADES
percent developed, according to the maintains itself through progressive Masuk HS Named National Blue
towns Conservation Department. economic development. The town of Ribbon by US Dept of Education
Historic properties can be found in Monroe boasts a large amount of Monroe Elementary & Stepney
Monroe Center, a designated historic recreational facilities such as Wolfe named Schools of Distinction. 123
district distinguished by a green and Park, Great Hollow Lake, Webb out 820 CT Schools
an Episcopal church dating to Mountain and the Rails to Trails bike
paths that provide a variety of
Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. Fawn Hollow Elem identified as a
enjoyment . Progressing School. In the top 40%
Monroe has seen many changes Masuk High School ranked 33 out of
over the years since it was 193 schools in CT by US News. and
incorporated, from being a World Report
predominantly farming community
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