Page 22 - 49 Toilsome Hill Brochure
P. 22

Top 10 Thingswe will miss about life at 49 Toilsome Hill Road

        1.  Enjoying our enormous pool… we loved doing laps, family water volleyball

           games, marco-polo, or just relaxing on floats in the sunshine!

        2.  We will miss these beautiful grounds... playing baseball or soccer in the yard

           (with enough room for a FULL game!), pool parties, Barbecues, playing fetch

           with the dogs.

        3.  Cooking in the kitchen while the kids did their homework at our huge island or

           in the kitchen enclave.

        4.  Watching the stars from the hot tub after a long day…all four seasons! Even in

           the pouring rain we would close the awning and listen to the music of the rain-


        5.  The charm of yesteryear with the modern conveniences of today! All the rooms

           have something special and the kids loved their 2 room suites!

        6.  The abundance of spaces: a movie by the fireplace, the covered stone patio -

           we have  spent countless hours out there spring summer and fall enjoying the

           scenery,  talking , & playing guitar, barbeques on the patio, jamming to music on

           the 3rd floor, so many spaces to work from home, family gatherings in the Dining
           Room, A private suite on the 3rd floor for guests or teenagers, the walk-out lower

           level that goes straight to the pool. We really did enjoy every single room!

        7.  Getting in a great work out, then taking a dip in the pool to cool off and warming

           back up in the Sauna with easy access to a full bath.

        8.  Our Magnificent Master Suite…The sitting room, the fireplace, the walk-in clos-

           ets, the balcony but especially taking a long deep soaking bath after a relaxing

           steam shower.

        9.  Doing yoga, meditation or having a massage in our sun-drenched zen room!

        10. Our Neighborhood! We love this location and all the families that have become

           such good friends. So convenient to everything while very private.
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