Page 15 - The Vanderblue Team's Partner Directory (2022)
P. 15

Home Maintenance Seasonal Checklist


           Chimney swept
           Cover outdoor furniture, grill and AC
           Turn off outdoor water
           Seal cracks on window and doors
           Take and bag leaves

           Winterize sprinkler system
           Clean gutter and downspouts
           Overseed and aerate lawn
           Insulate facets and disconnect hoses
           Check attic vents
           Door weather stripping placed
           Fertilize lawn
           Bring in lawn décor


                                                                Stock up on food, flashlight and water for storm

                                                                Insulate hot water tank
                                                                Install storm doors/windows                             ANDERBLUE TEAM
                                                                Set heat to 65 degrees or higher
                                                                Inspect fire extinguishers
                                                                Clean garbage disposal
                                                                Cover delicate plants
                                                                Set ceiling fans to clockwise
                                                                Service snow blower before first snow
                                                                Clean range hood and filter
                                                                To prevent pipes from freezing – leave cabinets open
                                                                and/or leave water slightly dripping                    THE V

                                                              203-259-8326 | V ANDERBL UE.C OM                     15
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