Page 11 - 145 Old Stonewall Flipbook
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Home Sneak Preview
Our Preferred Referral Network
An Option for Sellers not Ready for MLS
Home Sneak Preview Division was created to assist Sellers who are not quite ready to
strategically merchandise and market their homes to the public, but are serious about
finding the right buyer for their property. Sharing information about properties not yet
“officially on the market” has significant benefits to Buyers, Sellers and Investors.
Our inventory grows daily!
Benefits to Sellers: Benefits to Buyers
and Realtors:
• Test your price with
REAL Buyers before Our goal is simple: • Exclusive information
committing to market not “overly” available to
publicly To bring Buyers the general public
& Sellers together.
• Possibly find a REAL • Opportunity to view
Buyer who recognizes Period. properties BEFORE
the value of your home other Buyers
without the trouble of Sellers who want to
marketing sell. Buyers who
want to find value. • Ability to discuss
• Receive REAL feedback creative possibilities
from qualified Buyers No games. No bait directly with
who are ready to buy and and switch. Only homeowners to save
looking at other homes fees
valuable information
• Get the information and benefits. • A sneak peek at the
you need to make the “private stock”, even
right decisions with no if it’s only to help in
obligation ... Stay, sell, making a decision
rent, etc... about other properties