Page 18 - 145 Old Stonewall Flipbook
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“As the former CEO of I had “There are good Realtors, there are great
the opportunity to assess the various levels Realtors and then there is The Vanderblue
of Real Estate professionalism throughout team. Our experience with Julie and the
the entire industry. Equipped with this team has been excellent from beginning
“inside information”, it is telling that when of build to closing day. I recommend The
in need of Realtor representation upon Vanderblue Team highly.”
moving to Connecticut, that there was
truly only one choice, Julie Vanderblue. -Tallman and Segerson
My family and I happily discovered why so
many “in the know” recommended Julie “The Vanderblue Team offers more skill
to us. Her deep knowledge of the various and market knowledge than anyone else
Connecticut Communities and their nuances we have worked with in Fairfield County.
was remarkable. Simply put there is no From creatively getting buyers in to see
substitute for experience, knowledge & skill.”
our homes, to differentiating them with
-Allan Dalton, Former CEO of design, to negotiating with strength, I cannot
recommend the Vanderblue Team highly
enough. They know the business like no
“Julie and her team were by far the most other.”
helpful and knowledgeable Realtors we have
ever worked with. Moving from California -Jay Borkowski, Karp Associates
we had no idea which town we wanted to
move to, only that I would be commuting “Had more knowledge than any other agent
to New York. The detailed town videos they I have worked with. I have bought and sold
provided, as well as their niche specialists, many properties and The Vanderblue Team
have helped us narrow it down and we offers a diversity of skills and expertise that
currently have an accepted offer. Cannot impressed me more than any others.”
wait to close and move to beautiful Fairfield
County. Thank You Vanderblue Team!” -Fairfield Investor
-Previous Client
“Julie and her team were fantastic
throughout the whole process. She is
“The Vanderblue Team goes above and extremely knowledgeable, capable, and
beyond in every way. It is a rare combination a poised & effective negotiator. Most
of new construction knowledge, importantly she is truly authentic and
salesmanship, creative marketing, follow- passionate about helping people.”
up and fabulous communication. Julie’s
ability to create vision for the end-user as -Robert Franchini, Previous Client
early as framing is unsurpassed. Listening is
a big part of her sales approach and it works
-George Trudell, Trudell Homes