Page 19 - Freeborn Road_130
P. 19


                                           1.  Living across the street from Trout Brook Valley Conservation Area, over
                                         100 acres of hiking, biking, horseback riding and cross country skiing are right
                                       at our finger tips. We have enjoyed many hikes as a family, our dog included.

                                    2.  There are incredible organic farms in Easton just a few minutes in any
                                   directions. Local dairy, meat, eggs, honey, herbs and vegetables, just to name a few.

                                  3.  The seasonal changes in our yard, especially the fenced in herb and flower
                                 garden. Our property is truly glorious in every season, whether it be a blanket of
                                 snow, the flowers of spring or the gorgeous leaves as they change colors in fall.

                                 4.  Our neighbors and neighborhood. Even though we are on 3 acre lots surrounded
                                 by the conservation area and privacy, there is plenty of neighborhood spirit and
                                 comradery and good families to raise children alongside.

                                 5.  We have easy access to both the Fairfield and Westport train stations due to our
                                  location in Lower Easton. Commuting has never been a problem and the Merritt
                                  parkway is just a few minutes away, and 95 isn’t that much farther.

                                   6.  Shopping and restaurants throughout Westport and Fairfield are right around
                                   the corner. It is so lovely to live in a small town, yet so close to upscale stores and
                                   award winning restaurants, not to mention the beaches of both towns.

                                    7.  The Easton Village store! A staple in our community with all the charm and
                                    character of a country store with a large home cooked menu and a meeting point
                                    for a coffee and a conversation any day of the week for families, friends and
                                    visitors to own town.

                                    8.  The curb appeal. We get complimented so often, people know our home and
                                    always love to ask about it. We never tire of pulling into the driveway. It is a special
                                    place and we believe captures people even from the road.

                                   9.  The local wildlife… seeing a rare butterfly or hummingbird. The bird population
                                  is magnificent … a bird watchers dream … with rare species often spotted. We feel
                                 very at one with nature at our home.

                              10.  The features that give our home all of it’s character … beamed ceilings, old barn
                             wainscoting, wide plank hardwood floors, period fixtures, hand sewn cedar siding and
                           wood cedar roof, the gardens (a gardener’s dream come true!), the fireplaces and the
                         warmth that it exudes.
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