Page 4 - Ocean Avenue
P. 4

Get your kayaks and

            paddleboards out and
             get ready to enjoy the

            tranquility and space of

                this more than 5,000

          square foot home where

           you can watch the most
          magnificent sunrises, and

           also the moon glistening

              off the water at night.

                                                                                      Some of the many things the
                                                                                      current owners will miss are

                                                                                      the warm “Bluff Neighbors”,

                                                                                      where privacy and friendship

                                                                                      coexist, watching multiple

                                                                                      fireworks displays over in Long
                                                                                      Island almost every night

                                                                                      throughout the summer, and

                                                                                      walking down the beach to
                                                                                      the BEST summer breakfasts on

                                                                                      the patio at historic Marnick's.
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