Page 6 - Roton Avenue_84
P. 6


                          with the          TELL ME ABOUT THE GROUNDS ...
                                            We love to entertain and our
                       PROUD HOMEOWNERS ON  property has been designed for that
                                            purpose. The private decks and
Q ROTON AVENUE                              patio enable us to host any number
  & A since1999                             of family& guests in a tranquil
WHAT MADE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH             environment surrounded by
ROTON AVENUE?                               gorgeous gardens, plants and trees.
Our home was purchased from a               It's our daily oasis, whether sipping
neighbor/ friend and we used it as          coffee and bird watching, relaxing
a rental property. Since we lived in        in the sun or dining alfresco; we
the RBA, we could hand-select our           appreciate all our beautiful
tenants & kept a close eye on our           property has to offer.
investment. We've made friends w/
almost all of our tenants, many who         WHAT MAKES YOUR LOT SO SPECIAL?
now live/own RBA homes                      Our home and our property are like
themselves. Our retirement &                a chameleon; whether it's a cozy
downsizing made this possible               evening at home in front of the
however not before completing the           fireplace or having our entire large
many improvements we've noted.              family over for a BBQ, it's designed
Keeping our home in the RBA, our            to do all very well.
home since the 1980's, was very
important to us. It's simply the nicest

Our the past few years and since
we've lived here, we've completed
installation of life-time warranted
windows, central a/c, roof, washer
& dryer, freshly painted exterior &
interior, sliding french door, deck,
stone patio w/ Belgium blocks, solid
-hardwood interior doors, refinished
all hardwood floors, custom
fireplace mantle & landscaped the
property. So much for a quiet

Our neighbors are everything. They
are our best friends & make the RBA
what it is, home. We'll miss them
terribly but plan to visit often,
especially during summer &                          203-259-8326
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