Page 3 - Fairfield Magazine Articles Flipbook
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We believe in... Your Real Estate
Community Spectacular tutor in coveted neighborhood! 1st... find your Realtor
This is actually a rewrite from over One Billion Dollars in funded Loans.
our original article. The first draft Guaranteed Rate offers all the right tools,
talked about how much we believe advice, and financing to make buying your
in our community…that I have dream home a reality. 203.259.8326 -
lived in and loved this town for 30
years and that together we were BILL TWEEDY, Principal Partner at HIGHLINE
able to create the Number 1 Team RISK SOLUTIONS, where he uses his 20+ Text blue15
in CT in volume and Number 1 in years of industry experience to help clients to 85377 2nd... Finance
Fairfield County for transactions strike the perfect balance between cost
(yes, these are actual statistic from and critically important coverages when it
MLS for all of 2021). I felt honored to comes to their home & automobile insurance
share all that we do for the people portfolios. Bill lives with his family in Fairfield Breathtaking contemporary in Greenfield Hill!
we serve and how proud I am of and he serves all of Fairfield County. Dave Garofalo - 203.910.1845
each teammate for the passion
and commitment they put into ATTORNEY JONATHAN WETMORE combines
bringing more value to our clients. his years of experience and deep knowledge
“A dream you dream alone of real estate transactions with the personal 3rd... go to contract
But then it dawned on me that attention, care and compassion that buyers
this is not what differentiates us. is only a dream. A dream and sellers deserve. Jonathan has lived THE LAW OFFICE OF
What make us unique as a Real you dream together in Fairfield County his entire life and takes
Estate team is YOU. We recognize is a reality.” great pride in being an active member of the JONATHAN A. WETMORE
and embrace that is not about community. Text blue33
us, it is all about you. Everything - John Lennon to 85377 Jonathan Wetmore- 203.926.1756
we do, every dollar we spend, SCHAEFER INSPECTION SERVICE, founded
every strategy we employ, every division we create in 1981, is family-owned and operated by Bruce and
is to bring YOU, the client and our community, more Jill Schaefer. They are committed to providing property 4 th... inspect
value, more confidence, more comfort, more joy. We inspections, including radon and mold, that offers 180 degree views with deep water dock!
have an insatiable appetite to improve your experience, attentive, well-trained inspectors and professional
to increase the value of YOUR home, to find YOU that information to real estate buyers and sellers.
hidden gem at the best price, to network with
ONLY the best to make certain your real estate NOAH’S ARK MOVING AND STORAGE launched
journey is actually enjoyable rather than stressful. operations in 1982. Friendly highly skilled movers— and Schaefer - 203.387.2131
their ability to seamlessly perform any residential or
The reason I got into Real Estate was I believed it was a commercial move has earned them a stellar reputation.
broken system. Self serving and all about the money, Fully licensed and insured, they boast a phenomenal
not the people. My quest 25 years ago was to change record of less than 1/20th of 1% damage ratio. 5 th... protect your assets
that. My goal was to work beside a synergistic team
who shared my belief that people deserved more and There is so much to share and so little space. We invite Text blue23
to combine our skill sets to exceed the expectations you to learn about how we can bring you value and to 85377
of our clients. possibly even join us in our quest to help improve the
lives of others. Just remember, YOU are our WHY.
We recognize that we need to align with the finest Bill Tweedy - 203.820.7042
industry leaders to improve our clients’ experience. With warmest wishes, We believe in Fairfield.
We introduce just a few of the primary partners of our
extended team to make your real estate ride the best 6 th... move to your dream home!
that it can be.
Thank you Fairfield!
DAVID GARAFALO, Branch Manager at GUARANTEED Because of you we have been recognized as
RATE has over 18 years of experience advising consumers Julie Vanderblue #1 Team in CT: Volume 2021
on mortgage products. His team is known in the industry President: Higgins Group
for consistently being one of CT’s Top Producers with CEO: Vanderblue Team at The Higgins Group 1499 Post Road Fairfield, CT #1 Team in Fairfield County: Transactions 2021
Licensed in CT
Top 1% in the Nation WSJ Jude Angel - 203.221.8055
real people real life real estate 203.259.8326