Page 19 - The Vanderblue Team's Marketing Presentation 2024
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             “As the former CEO of I had the                 “The Vanderblue Team goes above
               opportunity to assess the various levels of               and beyond in every way. It is a rare
              Real Estate professionalism throughout the                  combination of new construction
               entire industry. Equipped with this “inside               knowledge, salesmanship, creative
              information”, it is telling that when in need              marketing, follow-up and fabulous
               of Realtor representation upon moving to                communication. Julie’s ability to create
              Connecticut, that there was truly only one             vision for the end-user as early as framing
                choice, Julie Vanderblue. My family and I             is unsurpassed. Listening is a big part of
             happily discovered why so many “in the know”                     her sales approach and it
             recommended Julie to us. Her deep knowledge                         works beautifully.”
               of the various Connecticut Communities
               and their nuances was remarkable. Simply                   - George Trudell, Trudell Homes
               put there is no substitute for experience,
                          knowledge & skill.”
                                                                      “There are good Realtors, there are great
               - Allan Dalton, Former CEO of             Realtors and then there is The Vanderblue
                                                                       team. Our experience with Julie and the
                                                                      team has been excellent from beginning
                “Julie and her team were by far the most
             helpful and knowledgeable Realtors we have               of build to closing day. I recommend The
             ever worked with. Moving from California we                      Vanderblue Team highly.”
              had no idea which town we wanted to move                        - Tallman and Segerson
              to, only that I would be commuting to New
             York. The detailed town videos they provided,
             as well as their niche specialists, have helped           “I work with a lot of realtors and I have
               us narrow it down and we currently have                to say Melissa and the entire team from
              an accepted o›er. Cannot wait to close and              Vanderblue are simply the best. They are
             move to beautiful Fairfield County. Thank You           wonderful to work with , flexible, and they
                          Vanderblue Team!”                           care about their clients and their homes
                                                                      and it shows. The homes are staged and
                    - Mary Ann Morris, Homebuyer
                                                                      ready to be photographed by the time we
                                                                                     get there!”

               “Family is family and business is business.            - Anna Guzi, Professional Photographer
                 Chris is family but he was nothing but
             business when it came to helping us through
                our home buying process. Any house we                 “Colleen and Floria are as good as it gets!
                wanted to see, he made it happen. Any                True professionals and great people! They
             questions we had, he answered. He made sure                were not only instrumental in selling
            we knew what to expect every step of the way.              our primary residence in CT but helped
              We would highly recommend Chris and his                   introduce us to our realtor in Florida
              team to anyone looking to purchase a home               which made all the di›erence. Highest of
                    as they go above and beyond to                    recommendations and will be personally
                           make it happen!”                               referring more clients their way!”

                      - Angela Rapp, Homebuyer                              - Tony DiBrino Home Seller

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