Page 2 - Marketing Presentation Chrissie Rodriguez & Kelley Ferreira
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A Letter from our President
Literally, not a day goes It cannot be overstated that This is not simply about
by without at least one every buyer, seller and home buying and selling homes.
homeowner, buyer, investor is unique...thus each deserves Our team culture instills in us
or friend asking me or one the full attention and expertise that our collective purpose
of my valued teammates a of not only their agent but also is to open doors to MANY
version of this question …”Why the collaborate effort of an opportunities that improve the
should I select a Real Estate exceedingly experienced team. lifestyles of our friends, clients
Team rather than an agent Although this is not the “norm” and partners. It would be
who works alone?” Ironically, in Real Estate, we believe that our privilege to educate and
it’s the very question I asked consumers should demand empower you in the wonderful
myself several years ago when this level of devotion and world of Real Estate… and
I formed what has become professionalism. After all, their beyond.
one of North America’s most Realtors are representing what
successful Real Estate Teams... is often their largest financial
The Vanderblue Team. decision.
“Choosing the
Obviously, I cannot claim I’ve always believed that
credit as the originator of the “None of us is as smart as all of right Realtors
Professional Team concept. us”…It only makes sense that to work beside...
Anybody who has visited a by combining the efforts of a
hospital, law firm or been team of professionals, we are those committed
served by any of a host of able to offer more skill, service to education and
highly skilled professional and benefits to our valued
practitioners, will recall the clients…not to mention the improving our
elevated benefits received perks we provide through our industry, driven by
by not only having the broad extensive community network
knowledge of the general which offer both financial and a work ethic that is
practitioner or lead lawyer, personal advantages. When difficult to find these
but also the expertise of the choosing a Realtor, please
specialists on their team. It is keep in mind that not all days, and looking to
only through the combined teams are formed based on create a synergistic
dedication, commitment and the needs and viewpoints of
specialized education of a the consumer. We ask that you environment
highly skilled and synergistic give us the opportunity to earn distinguishes our
team that the client will reap (and sustain) your trust.
the greatest reward. team of professionals
and has earned our
recognition as Top
1% in the Nation.”
Julie Vanderblue
President, Higgins Group
CEO, Vanderblue Team