Page 35 - 1 Frank Street Brochure
P. 35
Licensed in Connecticut Licensed in Connecticut
203.293.5190 | 203.451.5121 |
Raised in a real estate family in Michigan, Christina is mother Since moving to Fairfield County 35+ years ago, Ellen has lived
of three who has traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle in 7 homes in Westport and Fairfield; 2 of which were custom
East and is fluent in French, Spanish and Arabic. Her experience builds; 2 were renovation projects and 3 were rentals. Her
with different cultures and people has enabled her to connect source network is extensive. Throughout the many years that
with clients on different levels. she has been a licensed Realtor, Ellen has felt like a curator for
the great “home art” of Fairfield County. She loves this area and
She is a graduate of the University of Michigan and worked in her excitement is contagious.
Advertising before returning to her family’s roots in residential
real estate. Finding your next home will be a journey you’ll never forget.
Ellen will help you focus on and find what moves you – whether
A Westport resident since 2007, she is an enthusiastic it’s the square footage, lot size, the way the light comes into
member of the Westport community with leading roles in the kitchen, the quiet or bustle of the neighborhood. She can
many organizations including the Westport Woman’s Club and help you spot that opportunity just coming on the market or an
Neighbors & Newcomers of Westport. overlooked gem that just needs a little vision and loving care.
And if you're listing your home, Ellen will be your advocate
Christina uses her unique expertise and market knowledge to and guide through the preparation, showing, negotiating and
offer sellers and buyers the guidance and support they need selling process.
earning her a well-deserved reputation for integrity, hard work
and a commitment to excellence.