Page 10 - Cottage at the Grove WELCOME BOOK
P. 10


                                     Enjoy the places

                                                                 B E L L A M Y - F E R R I D A Y

                   M A R C H   F A R M                              H O U S E   &   G A R D E N

            160 Munger Ln, Bethlehem, CT 06751                      9 Main St N, Bethlehem, CT 06751

           Fourth generational farm located                  A charming historical gem that offers
           just minutes from the cottage with             visitors a glimpse into the past.  The house
           beautiful views, a Farm Store, pick               is a beautifully restored 18th-century
             your own berries or apples, live                structure, surrounded by enchanting
             music, a petting zoo and more!                 gardens that bloom with vibrant colors
                                                                    during the warmer months.

                                              B E T H L E H E M
                                            F A I R G R O U N D S

                                        304 Main St N, Bethlehem, CT 06751

                                        The Fairgrounds are host to many
                                     great events. Use QR code to the right
                                               to see all their events.
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