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Vanderblue Team Top 10

1. Experience 5. Cross Marketing

Over 1 Billion in sales and 100 Million in new A. Properties and Towns:
Construction sold. Having built, partnered with
and sold new construction for 20 years, we know Properties not only compete with other
how to “sell” the product. Being AT the showings properties in your town but properties in the
with a strategic approach planned...knowing the surrounding towns. With Area Specialists
buyer, understanding their needs, listening vs in every town of Fairfield County, our vast
talking, creating emotion, all of these skill sets inventory allows us to reach and influence
become stronger and improved with experience. a wider demographic. Buyer looking in
It’s not just about opening the doors and turning Westport MUST be brought to and SOLD the
off alarms. It’s about SELLING your product with values of Fairfield.
experience. B. New Construction Division:
Agents are seasoned and focused on new
2. Influence and Credibility construction and able to answer all pertinent

As president of the Higgins Group, a 15 office questions with confidence and knowledge.
Christie’s affiliate, Julie has more influence and
reach than even the most seasoned agents. With 6. Negotiations
testimonials and past clients including : CEO of The importance of a seasoned negotiator is often CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Editor overlooked and is one of the most important
of Metropolitan Magazine, CEO of Maplewoods, aspects of any transaction. Range and reach,
CEO of Subway, CEO of Jarden, chief of staff while clearly significant, does not mean much
for Bloomberg, A variety of Entertainers and if the negotiator does not have the experiential
celebrities...our influence, range & reach grows daily. knowledge to extract the highest and best

outcome. With over $1 Billion negotiated sales,
3. Our Network: It’s all about the our skills have evolved to work on your behalf.


Close to home, Julie is seen by metropolitan 7. Availability and Support
magazine (THE publication for NYC Realtors As a synergistic team, our builders benefit
and buyers) as the GO TO for Connecticut real from the expertise and time of an entire team,
estate. As a speaker on the National Association complete with a full-time Support Staff behind
of Real Estate Conventions for 12 years, the the scenes to keep everything running smoothly.
network of relationships Julie has created is 2nd The phone never goes unanswered. A call from
to none. From NYC, to California, to Florida, to the California at 3am...the phone is picked up. One of
Caribbean, to China... the biggest complaints of buyers is they cannot
reach the agent...not the case with Vanderblue
4. Combined Spheres of Influence Team.

While all other teams compete within (basically
small companies within a larger company), our
consumer centric team is NON COMPETING.
By sharing information, our team brings more
knowledge, influence and opportunity to ALL of
our clients.
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